Friday, April 24, 2009

Just Another Day...

Here’s a some pics of the dogs doing what they do best, lounging around and enjoying the sun.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Red Beach

California beaches are always super crowded so when we found a beach spot on Camp Pendleton that no one uses we were thrilled. We invited Mike, Erin, and Lizzy (their dog) and packed up the tahoe with our own clan as well (Me, Zane, Cally, Stafford, Layla, and Trinity) and headed down for a day in the sun. The dogs were able to roam free and enjoy the water without any hassle while we hung out and relaxed. It was a perfect day for the beach and we really enjoyed oursleves.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One Month Down...

Cally is officially 1 month old today! She now weighs 9lbs 11.5oz and measures 21 inches in length. She is doing wonderful and we really could not have asked for a better baby. She hardly ever cries, only when she's hungry. I am able to take her everywhere I want to go and I never have any problems. She's been on road trips, to many dinners and movies and we've never had an issue. She wakes up to feed about 3 times at night but always goes right back to sleep. Our lives have only gotten better since she's been around. Parenthood has been wonderful and we are looking forward to all the amazing things she will show and teach us! Cally is amazing, we are truly blessed!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Daddy's Girl

There’s no denying it, she is definitely daddy’s girl. I came across some of Zane’s baby pictures and it is truly amazing how much she looks like him!

Let's not forget how much Zane looks like his dad too!!!

Happy Easter

Zane’s squadron put together a family day to celebrate Easter out in Lake ONeil in Camp Pendleton. All the families came out and we had a great time eating great food, socializing, and watching the little ones hunt for Easter eggs. Although Cally can’t quite walk yet, she managed to get an egg herself with the help of daddy...and since she’s not quite able to eat the prize inside the egg, daddy took care of that as well.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Growing up

Cally is growing like a weed. She is getting so big already. She is starting to be awake for longer periods of time and is always looking around at things with such curiosity. It's wonderful to watch her and I'm enjoying every minute that I have with her.

Cally (25 days old)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thanks Aunt Michelle!

Here's a pic of Cally at 3 weeks old with daddy wearing a new outfit from Aunt Michelle. Thanks Michelle for thinking of her! She loves her clothes! We miss you tons and can't wait for you to meet her!