Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy 28th Birthday Zane!!!

Zane turned 28 today and Cally and I wanted to do something special for him. A few days prior to his birthday, Zane and I discussed possible outings for his special day but since it landed on a weekday the most we could do is go out to dinner. However, Cally has gotten to the age that she doesn't enjoy going out to restaurants anymore. Now that she's walking everywhere, she refuses to sit still in a high chair for longer than 10 minutes so we knew that dinner was out of the question. We talked about possibly picking up dinner and going to a park for a picnic but I had a better idea. I surprised Zane with dinner out on our new balcony. Cally and I decorated it with balloons and I brought out a cooler full of beers, made a great dinner, and got the hot tub ready as well. We enjoyed dinner overlooking our great view of the hills, followed it with yummy birthday cake, opened presents, and finished off the night with a nice hot soak in the hot tub. Happy Birthday my love, I hope you enjoyed your day. We love you!

This is an article that Zane got published in a Marine/Navy magazine. I built the frame (all by myself), customized the matt, and framed the article along with an appreciation certificate sent by a naval commander.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cally and Daddy

I love to watch Cally and Zane interact. There's nothing better than to see the two of them together.