Every year the Miramar Marine Corps Air Station puts on an air show for the public to come see and learn about Marine Corps aviation world. Being from Yuma, we are very familiar with the tradition since they do it there as well and know how fun it is to go check out all the air crafts, sit in their cockpits and watch them fly showing us their amazing capabilities. This year, Zane was selected to be one of the pilots flying in the air show to show off his helicopter, the CH-46 Sea Knight, aka "Phrog." Cally and I proudly watched daddy do his thing and show everyone what the phrog can do. What a proud moment for us!
"Hi Daddy!"
After his flight, we met up with Zane and walked around showing Cally the phrog and other cool aircrafts that the Marine Corps has. We had a great day and couldn't be prouder of our pilot!
Cally checking out the TAC (what Zane did in Afghanistan for 6 months)