Monday, February 27, 2012

Hunter in 3D

Today I'm 28 weeks along and we decided to go get an 3D ultrasound of baby Hunter to get a better idea of what he'll look like. Cally has been so understanding throughout the whole pregnancy, always gentle with my belly, kissing it and hugging it and talking about when baby Hunter will born so I wanted to share this with her so she could too see her little brother and make it even more real for her. She was pretty excited at first, but after just a few minutes lost interest. Hunter was not cooperating with us very well and it was difficult to get a good view. His face was right next to my placenta which made it more difficult to see and he kept putting his hand on his face. The ultrasound session lasted a good 15 minutes but only right at the end did he move his hand away for us to get a better look. It was still fun to go and do and I was so glad we got to see our little guy again. I came home and compared ultrasound pictures between Cally and Hunter and I don't think they look too much alike. What do you think?



Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentines Day! Cally and I decorated some cookies for daddy to show our love and appreciation for him. She decorated them all herself and had a blast! Zane treated me to a prenatal massage at a local spa and it was wonderful! Finally, we finished the night with a wonderful dinner out. This is the first time in 3 years that he has been here for the holiday and although we are not too big on it, it was so wonderful to have him home and celebrate this day of love together!

Love my girl!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Yuma Weekend

The official training for the MEU and deployment has begun which means a lot of training for Zane and time away from home. Zane was gone this last weekend for some training exercises so I took the opportunity  to head down to Yuma to see my sis and the kiddos and some girlfriends. We spent the weekend there hanging out with old friends, catching up, and visiting with family. We spent time at the park, the river, and even a campsite having a blast and enjoying some good company. It was so great to see everyone and relax. Here's some pics of our fun weekend:

Cousins! Nick, Katie and Cally

Front Row: Cally, Tennison and Ben/ Back Row: Carter, Jackson and Cadence