Saturday, April 28, 2012

Celebrating our boy!

My sweet friends threw me a baby shower in honor of baby Hunter and I could not be more grateful. It was so much fun to get together and hang out while celebrating my little boy! We spent the afternoon chit chatting away, having a delicious lunch, sharing and comparing birth stories, and having a great time. Thank you all for being so thoughtful and thinking of us. We are so lucky to have you in our lives!


Steph and Georgia

My dear friend Hollie came out from was so great to have her around!

Sam and Annabelle

37 weeks!

Blanket handmade by Cassidy Jones...says "H is for Hunter"  

Opening some gifts

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Back to Disney

The weather is warming up now and we have Disneyland tickets to use so we decided to take Cally once again to see all the princesses and spend the day at the magical kingdom. At 34 weeks pregnant, the walking can take a toll but I was a trooper and we all had a great time. Cally got to meet more princesses, ride all the rides, see a parade and watch a few shows. It was a great day and we could not have asked for more. I didn't take many pictures but here are a few of our fun day!

 Meeting Belle

Meeting Princess Jasmine 

Meeting Princess Tiana 

Daddy and his princess

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Princess Rapunzel

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

This weekend we decided to head down to Del Mar Beach in Camp Pendleton and camp out for the Easter holiday. The weather has been absolutely beautiful and we couldn't wait to get out for a fun beach weekend. Zane's squadron was also hosting a family day nearby so we had the chance to go there as well. Between building sand castles, swimming in the ocean, Easter egg hunting, face fainting, petting zoos, playing dress up,  camp fires and lots of playing, we had a great time. Beach camping was a lot of fun and we can't wait to do it again! Happy Easter everyone! Here's some pics of our fun weekend:

 33 weeks!

Petting Zoo at family day

More Easter egg gathering!

Dress up time!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Party

One of Cally's friends from ballet class had an Easter party today and we had a blast! The house was filled with kiddos, mostly girls from her class, and it was so fun to watch them play, laugh, run around and have such a great time. The Easter bunny even paid a visit and they all got to have some one on one time with him. They had a chance to dye and decorate eggs, go on an Easter egg hunt, and get all sorts of goodies. It was great to watch her interact with her little friends and have such a good time. What a great way to start our Easter weekend!

 Getting ready for the hunt

Looking through all their eggs