Monday, December 22, 2008

28 Week Pregnancy Update

I am now 28 weeks pregnant and feeling great. My belly has definitely been growing a lot but it's exciting to watch my body change for such an amazing miracle. Cally is more and more active everyday and I can literally see her kick in my belly just by looking at it. It surprises me every time.

Pregnancy wise everything is going great. I previously was told by my OBGYN that I may need a C-section due to the placement of the placenta being so close to my cervix, however, I just received a second ultrasound to check the location of the placenta and luckily as my uterus has been growing, my placenta has shifted more and more away from my cervix and I no longer run any risk therefore I will not have to have a C-section. So now I'm back to delivering her the old fashion way...but with drugs of course.

I have been feeling great and have plenty of energy.I am continuing to work without any difficulty and even though my belly is beginning to get in my way, I just find a new way to go about whatever it is I am doing and carry on.

I'm really enjoying being pregnant and experiencing all of these new and exciting things. I feel lucky to have had such an easy pregnancy so far and only hope that it continues.

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