Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rub A Dub Dub-Cally's First Bath

Today Cally lost her umbilical cord and she ended up with an innie! We were very excited and relieved to see that her belly button came out looking so good. It's perfect...

Now that her umbilical cord is no longer there, I couldn't wait to give her her first bath. Zane took pictures of her first plunge as I lathered her up and splashed around with her. She wasn't the happiest of babies during her bath time but it was still fun to do. And she smelled so good after wards!

I'm loving all the fun things that we get to do together and can't wait for more to come! Motherhood has been wonderful so far and I'm enjoying every minute of it!


  1. Did you paint her room yourself? It is gorgeous!! Want to make a trip out to CO and do ours?

  2. yay for innies!!!!
    she is so beautiful! can't wait to meet her!
