Sunday, May 24, 2009

Aunt Hollie comes to visit

My wonderful friend Hollie who now lives in Las Vegas was heading down to San Diego to spend some much deserved time relaxing at the beach after finishing her second to last semester of Law school (so proud of her!!!). She called me up to see if Cally and I would be able to meet up with her in San Diego and spend some time together. Of course I jumped to the opportunity of going to the beach and having some girl time and I was thrilled that Cally was finally going to meet her Aunt Hollie.

We spent all day at the beach catching up and hanging out while swapping old stories and getting some sun.

Halls: It's always so good to see you! Thanks for a wonderful day! You're an amazing friend!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cally at 2 months

Cally had her 2 month appointment today. It consisted of a regular checkup and her first series of shots. I was a bit nervous and felt horrible about making her go through the pain but she did great. She laid on the table happy as can be...until the nurse poked her. I was expecting a high pitched scream as soon as she felt those needles but it took her a few seconds to realize the pain. She cried for about 5 seconds and back to her happy self she went.

She is doing great and growing so fast. I can't believe she's already 2 months old! She is now 23 inches long and weighs 13lbs and 5 oz. Her personality is coming out more and more each day and she is one good kiddo, always smiling and happy; I hardly ever hear her cry. I'm still able to do all that I want to do and go where I want to go and I never have any problems with her. She still goes to dinners and movies and out shopping around and never makes a peep. She's such a good baby! I'm so lucky!

Cally at 2 months:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nothing But Smiles

Cally is a very happy baby. Every morning I wake up with a great big smile from Cally and it just melts my heart. She loves it when you talk to her and she will smile at you and try to talk back. She is now cooing and making all sorts of cute noises. She is getting more fun every day and I'm loving every minute of it. Here are some pics of her happy face....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Today I celebrated my first Mother's Day. Unfortunately Zane was not around because he was flying a helicopter to NC for work. But Cally and I had a great time together and we definitely weren't alone. Mike and Erin invited us over for a barbecue and some swimming and laying out by the pool. Cally slept in the shade while mommy floated in the water, relaxed, and got a tan.

When she woke up, I decided to see how she'd like the pool. I have yet to buy her a bathingsuit so in she went, bare bottom and all. I was surprised how much she actually enjoyed it! She was kicking around splashing and loving life. Here's some pics of our fun filled day. Thanks Mike and Erin for a wonderful first Mother's Day!!! I had a great time!