Cally at 2 months
Cally had her 2 month appointment today. It consisted of a regular checkup and her first series of shots. I was a bit nervous and felt horrible about making her go through the pain but she did great. She laid on the table happy as can be...until the nurse poked her. I was expecting a high pitched scream as soon as she felt those needles but it took her a few seconds to realize the pain. She cried for about 5 seconds and back to her happy self she went.
She is doing great and growing so fast. I can't believe she's already 2 months old! She is now 23 inches long and weighs 13lbs and 5 oz. Her personality is coming out more and more each day and she is one good kiddo, always smiling and happy; I hardly ever hear her cry. I'm still able to do all that I want to do and go where I want to go and I never have any problems with her. She still goes to dinners and movies and out shopping around and never makes a peep. She's such a good baby! I'm so lucky!
Cally at 2 months:
Such a fun age- I swear each age gets better and better. Ps- LOVE the white dress (my favorite on cailyn)!