- She now weighs 22lbs 1.4oz and is 29 inches long. She is still in the top 97% percentile for both her height and weight!
- She wears 12-18month clothes and some of them barely fit her. She is still a chunky monkey and her little thunder thighs are to die for!
- Her favorite thing of all is of course her walker. She cruises all around the house in it and is continuously discovering something new (which means mommy has to be on her toes at all times!).
- She is talking more and more now and mumbles the sound "ma-ma" which I absolutely love to hear. Although I know she doesn't quite know what she's saying, it's still melts my heart!
- She has officially learned to roll over! Although most babies master this well before 6 months, her massiveness prevented her from doing this earlier. She is now strong enough to pull her weight! Haha
- She is now eating solid foods! Although its just a few spoonfuls here and there, she has learned the concept of chewing and swallowing and no longer spits the food out.
- Her two middle bottom teeth have come in and she looks adorable!
- When placed in a sitting position, she can sit for a short period of time without assistance.
(Pictures to come...)
Aww I can't wait to see what her little teeth look like now!