Monday, February 15, 2010

Cally at 11 months!

Cally continues to be a great baby and happy kiddo. She is fun and lovable and I couldn't really ask for more. Since we've been home she has gained more and more confidence and is now letting go of the furniture more often and attempting to walk as much as possible. She is still a bit unsteady but she has managed to take about 15-20 steps alone before stumbling. She has also learned to fall so when she does stumble she falls onto her hands and knees which makes mommy feel alot better, especially since our house is all tile and I'm always terrified that she's gonna fall and crack her head open. She is now munching on Cheerios and goldfish snacks and is loving all the new tastes and textures. She just had her checkup and is now 30 inches tall and weighs 24.10 lbs! She is in the 90-95th percentile for both height and weight! That's one healthy girl!

Enjoying her Daddy

The biggest change, however, have been her sleeping habits. Since day one, Cally has slept with me in my bed. As she got older she became more and more "needy" and would only sleep while literally holding on to my hair for comfort. She was also still waking up three time a night to eat. This made it difficult for me to get a good night's rest so I new things would have to soon change. My intention was to transition her into her crib before Zane got back but after one or two attempts I realized I would need his help and support, I'm a sucker for her cry. So, after just a few nights of daddy being home we put her in her crib. To my surprise she only cried for a short period of time each night and after day three she was sleeping throughout the night without waking at all! She's now sleeping for 12 hours or so a night, without waking and I'm sleeping alot better now too. I have a baby monitor next to my bed and I get to watch her sleep which makes me feel alot better. I'm so proud of my girl and only wonder why I didn't attempt this sooner. Cally is an amazing child and we are so lucky to have her. She's growing up so quickly and I can't believe we'll be celebrating her 1st birthday next month.

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