Monday, September 17, 2012

4 Months Old!

Time continues to move on and Hunter continues to grow. Our little fella is getting so big and he's now already 4 months old! I was so anxious to take him to the doctor to see how much he's grown and I was definitely not dissapointed. Hunter now weighs  in at 18 lbs 12.5oz (95th percentile), is 26 inches long (85th percentile), and his head circumference is 17.5in around (90th percentile). He continues to be a great baby and we love having him around. Here's a few new things that he's been doing:

-He is able to recognize me, follows me with his eyes, and smiles laughs when I talk to him and cries when i leave his side
-He is now reaching for things in front of him, can grasp onto objects, and brings everything to his mouth
-He has been sleeping for a good 6-7 hours straight during the night before waking, and goes back to sleep for another 3 hours before fully waking for the day
-He loves to play in his exersaucer
-His two bottom teeth have come through and continues to slobber like crazy (let the teething phase begin!)

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