Thursday, January 17, 2013

8 months old!

Hunter is 8 months old today and this past month has been an interesting one. For starters, Hunter has decided that veggies are not his thing and has refused them all together. He will now only eat fruits and when I try to sneak him anything other than that, he turns his head and seals his mouth shut. It has become a challenge to feed him, but I continue to try new things and hope he will come around.
Now that he is able to sit comfortably without falling over, he has discovered that he can reach for things in front of him. For a while he struggled while changing positions because his leg would get caught under him, but he now has learned to pull it out and can go from sitting position onto his belly.
From his belly he has learned to push his arms up and within the last month he has figured out how to get on all fours. He rocks back and forth and sometimes takes a "step" forward but then loses his balance and falls flat on his face. His frustration seems to get the best of him and he cries at times when he cannot do what he wants to do.
I have made an attempt to sleep train him a bit and I'm very pleased with the results! He continues to wake up several times a night, but I don't feed him, just soothe him back to sleep, and he has gotten used to the idea. He goes for about 8 hours without eating at night and seems to be doing great with it. This has also taught him to put himself back to sleep and is now taking 2-3 hour naps during the day!
Finally, after trying several types of bottles, I finally found one that he likes and he now takes the bottle even from me! This gives me great comfort knowing that I can leave him if I need to and he will be fed.
Happy 8 months little guy! I love you more than you'll ever know!

1 comment:

  1. He's such a cutie! I'm so glad he is taking bottles now and sleeping well!!
